Saturday, August 10, 2013

8/9/13: Back in Training with Volume!

Law finals are over. Now back to training for competition.

AM Strength
12x1 Snatch

AM Workload
10 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle up (MU)
1 Overhead Squat (OHS) w/ 155#
2 Muscle Ups
2 Overhead Squats
3 MU
4 MU
4 OH Squats
...Continue on as far as you can get in 10 Minutes

PM Workload
8 Rounds:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump Squats (1 box jump fully locked out on top then perform 1 full squat while on top of the box)
13 plate jump push-ups (1 rep = 1 pushup with hands outside the plate and jumping on top of plate, then performing a full push-up while hands are on the plate...basically 2 push-ups = 1 rep.
23 double unders

PM Strength
25 Minute Power clean EMOM
Minute 0-4: 3 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @225#
Minute 5-9: 2 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @245#
Minute 10-14: 1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @285#
Minute 15-19: 2 Power Cleans Every minute @275
Minute 20-24: 3 Touch and go Power cleans @265# (275# for the last set)

PM Workload #2
3 Rounds:
250 Ski Erg
40 Yard Sled Push (400# sled)