5 Rounds
1 Power Snatch (185#)
3 Bar Muscle ups
5 Shoulder to overhead (185#)
7 Barbell facing burpees
rest 1 min after each round
Goal is to sprint as hard as you can through each round without pacing.
1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @225# for 4 Minutes
1 Power Clean Every 30 Seconds @245 for 3 Minutes
1 Power Clean Every 30 Seconds @265 for 2 Minutes
1 Power Clean Every 30 Seconds @275 for 1 Minute
*move through each weight without resting (other than the transition time)
Rest 5-10 minutes
5 Legless Rope Climbs
25 GHDs
4 Legless Rope Climbs
20 GHDs
3 Legless Rope Climbs
15 GHDs
2 Legless Rope Climbs
10 GHDs
1 Legless Rope Climb
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
11/18/13: MoSquat Monday Training
Mondays = squat day at NoX Training. We usually include squats during our strength training and also include them in a conditioning workout.
3x4 Front Squat
3x2 Back Squat
I built up to a 365# Front squat for my last set (failed 4th rep) and 405# for back squat (using high bar)
WorkLoad (Conditioning)
20 Minute AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Back Squats (115#)
3x4 Front Squat
3x2 Back Squat
I built up to a 365# Front squat for my last set (failed 4th rep) and 405# for back squat (using high bar)
WorkLoad (Conditioning)
20 Minute AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Back Squats (115#)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
11/13/13: Recovery Workload
5 Rounds of:
2 Minutes AirDyne
1 Minute Max Effort Airdyne
2 Minutes AirDyne
1 Minute Max Effort single arm alternating Dumbell Snatch (70# dumbell)
got between 16-20 GHDs each time and 18-22 DB Snatches each time.
2 Minutes AirDyne
1 Minute Max Effort Airdyne
2 Minutes AirDyne
1 Minute Max Effort single arm alternating Dumbell Snatch (70# dumbell)
got between 16-20 GHDs each time and 18-22 DB Snatches each time.
11/12/13: Happy Bday Holly
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute Ski Erg
1 Minute Max Effort Power Snatch (95#)
rest 2 minutes
Holly's Bday Workout
5 Power Snatch (135#)
6 pull-ups
4 power snatch
7 pull-ups
3 power snatch
8 pull-ups
2 power snatch
9 pull-ups
1 power snatch
10 pull-ups
then (without rest)
3 Rounds:
6 deficit handstand push-ups
100m run
then (without rest)
3 rope climbs
5 Rounds of:
1 Minute Ski Erg
1 Minute Max Effort Power Snatch (95#)
rest 2 minutes
Holly's Bday Workout
5 Power Snatch (135#)
6 pull-ups
4 power snatch
7 pull-ups
3 power snatch
8 pull-ups
2 power snatch
9 pull-ups
1 power snatch
10 pull-ups
then (without rest)
3 Rounds:
6 deficit handstand push-ups
100m run
then (without rest)
3 rope climbs
11/11/13: Mosquat Monday Training
2 x 6 Front Squat
1st set-315#
2nd set-325# (failed 6th rep)
2 x 4 Back Squat
1st set-345#
2nd set-365#
15 Minute AMRAP:
7 Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
15 Back squats @95#
1000m row @ 3:30 pace
rest 3 Minutes
1000m row @ 3:30 Pace
rest 3 minutes
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
2 x 6 Front Squat
1st set-315#
2nd set-325# (failed 6th rep)
2 x 4 Back Squat
1st set-345#
2nd set-365#
15 Minute AMRAP:
7 Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
15 Back squats @95#
1000m row @ 3:30 pace
rest 3 Minutes
1000m row @ 3:30 Pace
rest 3 minutes
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
rest 30 seconds
150m row
Thursday, November 7, 2013
11-7-13: Thrusters
Sorry I haven't been up to date with the training log. It seems like days pass by so fast that I don't remember to update it. So here we go, I am going to try and stay consistent and up to date from here on out.
5x3 Front Squats
rest as needed
Then Partner Workout. One partner works thru the following while the other one rests. The Goal is to go as hard as you can since you are going to get rest after each round.
3 Rounds:
500m Ski Erg
15 Russian KB Swings (115#)
15 Thrusters (115#)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115# KB)
*Rest = time it takes partner to complete the round.
PM Workload
4 x 250m Row Sprints
1 minute rest after each interval
Rest 5-10 minutes
4 x 250 Row Sprints again
Rest as needed
5x5 Snatch Grip Press
5x3 Front Squats
rest as needed
Then Partner Workout. One partner works thru the following while the other one rests. The Goal is to go as hard as you can since you are going to get rest after each round.
3 Rounds:
500m Ski Erg
15 Russian KB Swings (115#)
15 Thrusters (115#)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115# KB)
*Rest = time it takes partner to complete the round.
PM Workload
4 x 250m Row Sprints
1 minute rest after each interval
Rest 5-10 minutes
4 x 250 Row Sprints again
Rest as needed
5x5 Snatch Grip Press
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
10-29-13 Training LOG
8 x 500m row with 2 minutes rest between intervals
Kept pace around 1:40-1:42 for all intervals
"Courtney's Bday Workout"
10 Rounds for time:
1 Power Clean - 225# barbell
3 Ring Muscle Ups
13 Hand release push-ups
28 Double Unders
8 x 500m row with 2 minutes rest between intervals
Kept pace around 1:40-1:42 for all intervals
"Courtney's Bday Workout"
10 Rounds for time:
1 Power Clean - 225# barbell
3 Ring Muscle Ups
13 Hand release push-ups
28 Double Unders
Monday, October 28, 2013
10-28-13: Squat Day
2.75 Mile Run
2 x 10 Front Squats
2 x 8 Back squats
10 Minute EMOM
Every minute on the minute perform:
5 x 2 for 1 wall ball shots
rest until the minute is half way thru and then hold a plank for the remaining 30 seconds of that minute.
immediately after the plank you will start your next set.
*the only rest you should have during this 10 minutes is the time after each wallball set.
(not for time)
5 Rounds of:
10 dips + walk across Parrallettes + 10 dips on opposite side.
8 high box jumps (as high as posssible)
15 GHDs
1-10reps of lunge, lunge, squat with 45# barbell on back
1 lunge right leg, 1 lunge left, 1 squat
2, 2, 2
3, 3, 3
4, 4, 4
until you get
10, 10, 10
*goal is to go unbroken and as fast as possible with little or no rest
2.75 Mile Run
2 x 10 Front Squats
2 x 8 Back squats
10 Minute EMOM
Every minute on the minute perform:
5 x 2 for 1 wall ball shots
rest until the minute is half way thru and then hold a plank for the remaining 30 seconds of that minute.
immediately after the plank you will start your next set.
*the only rest you should have during this 10 minutes is the time after each wallball set.
(not for time)
5 Rounds of:
10 dips + walk across Parrallettes + 10 dips on opposite side.
8 high box jumps (as high as posssible)
15 GHDs
1-10reps of lunge, lunge, squat with 45# barbell on back
1 lunge right leg, 1 lunge left, 1 squat
2, 2, 2
3, 3, 3
4, 4, 4
until you get
10, 10, 10
*goal is to go unbroken and as fast as possible with little or no rest
Sunday, October 27, 2013
10-26-13: Barbells for Boobs
Warmup Workload
Partner workout
10 rounds ( 5 for each partner)
10 kb swings (50#)
10 wallballs
10 burpees
run 200
*rest while partner completes a round.
rest 30 minutes
30 clean and Jerks @ 135#
Partner workout
10 rounds ( 5 for each partner)
10 kb swings (50#)
10 wallballs
10 burpees
run 200
*rest while partner completes a round.
rest 30 minutes
30 clean and Jerks @ 135#
10/25/13: FU Friday WORKLOAD
3 Minute EMOM:
Every minute for 3 minutes do 2 burpees + 4 Box Jumps + 6 wallballs
-Straight into
3 Minute EMOM
Every minute for 3 minutes do 3 burpees + 5 Box Jumps + 7 wallballs
-Straight into
3 Minute EMOM
Every minute for 3 minutes do 4 burpees + 6 Box Jumps + 8 wallballs
Rest 2 Minutes
15-12-9 reps of
Kettle Bell Swings (70#) / burpees
Rest 2 min
21 wallballs
21 toes to bar
run 100m
15 wallballs
15 toes to bar
run 100m
9 wallballs
9 toes to bar
run 100m
Rest 2 min
Kettle Bell Swings (70#) / burpees
Every minute for 3 minutes do 2 burpees + 4 Box Jumps + 6 wallballs
-Straight into
3 Minute EMOM
Every minute for 3 minutes do 3 burpees + 5 Box Jumps + 7 wallballs
-Straight into
3 Minute EMOM
Every minute for 3 minutes do 4 burpees + 6 Box Jumps + 8 wallballs
Rest 2 Minutes
15-12-9 reps of
Kettle Bell Swings (70#) / burpees
Rest 2 min
21 wallballs
21 toes to bar
run 100m
15 wallballs
15 toes to bar
run 100m
9 wallballs
9 toes to bar
run 100m
Rest 2 min
Kettle Bell Swings (70#) / burpees
10/24/13: Workload
Snatch Work
20+ sets of: 2 snatch shrugs + 1 hang snatch
15 Minute AMRAP:
250 Row
2 rounds of barbell complex with 135# (1 snatch Deadlift + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat)
20 Push-ups
Snatch Work
20+ sets of: 2 snatch shrugs + 1 hang snatch
15 Minute AMRAP:
250 Row
2 rounds of barbell complex with 135# (1 snatch Deadlift + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat)
20 Push-ups
10/23/13: Running Workout
Run 100m
-Walk 100m rest
Run 200m
-Walk 100m
Run 300m
-Walk 100m
Run 400m
-2 Min Rest
Run 2000m
-5 min rest
Run 1000m
-5 min rest
Run 300m
walk 200m rest
Run 300m
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
10/22/13 Training log
AM Session
15 x 120m SkiErg Sprints
30 sec rest between each set
rest 15 min
10 x 120m SkiErg Sprints
30 sec rest between sets
*100% max effort on each set
PM Workload
15 Minute EMOM cycling thru the following movements
1. 5 Clean and Jerks @185#
2. 45 Second AirDyne
3. Max Effort Dubbs
* Rotate to the next station after every passing minute
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Minute EMOM
10 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Burpees
15 x 120m SkiErg Sprints
30 sec rest between each set
rest 15 min
10 x 120m SkiErg Sprints
30 sec rest between sets
*100% max effort on each set
PM Workload
15 Minute EMOM cycling thru the following movements
1. 5 Clean and Jerks @185#
2. 45 Second AirDyne
3. Max Effort Dubbs
* Rotate to the next station after every passing minute
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Minute EMOM
10 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Burpees
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10-15-13: Training Log
Built to a 1 rep max Power Clean
(do not perform a full clean)
My Result: 330# - Video below
3 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans @155
10 Burpee with lateral hop over the barbell
*with 30 seconds rest after the second round
My Result: 2:45 (including the 30 seconds rest)
PM Workload
10 Minute EMOM: alternate between the 2 exercises every minute until 10 minutes are up
1. 7 Power Cleans @205#
2. 1 Minute air dyne
Rest 2 min
10 Minute EMOM
1. 10 KB Swings @88#
2. 10 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Rest 2 min
10 Minute EMOM
1. 30 Russian Twists (20# Med Ball)
2. 30 seconds plank hold
Built to a 1 rep max Power Clean
(do not perform a full clean)
My Result: 330# - Video below
3 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans @155
10 Burpee with lateral hop over the barbell
*with 30 seconds rest after the second round
My Result: 2:45 (including the 30 seconds rest)
PM Workload
10 Minute EMOM: alternate between the 2 exercises every minute until 10 minutes are up
1. 7 Power Cleans @205#
2. 1 Minute air dyne
Rest 2 min
10 Minute EMOM
1. 10 KB Swings @88#
2. 10 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Rest 2 min
10 Minute EMOM
1. 30 Russian Twists (20# Med Ball)
2. 30 seconds plank hold
10-14-13: MoSquat Monday
Build to a 1 Rep Max Front Squat
Take as many sets as you need. Start light and then gradually build until you cannot build any more.
*New PR @375#
Heavy Squat Clean "Grace" CrossFit Workout
30 Squat Clean and Jerks For Time @155#
*My Time: 2:54
Build to a 1 Rep Max Front Squat
Take as many sets as you need. Start light and then gradually build until you cannot build any more.
*New PR @375#
Heavy Squat Clean "Grace" CrossFit Workout
30 Squat Clean and Jerks For Time @155#
*My Time: 2:54
Thursday, October 10, 2013
10/10/13: Training Log
5 Rounds
1 Minute SkiErg
1 Minute MAX EFFORT Clean and jerks @135# (NO PACING!!)
Rest 2 minutes
SCORE= Clean and Jerk Reps each Round
Rnd 1: 17 Clean and Jerks
Rnd 2: 15
Rnd 3: 15
Rnd 4: 12
Rnd 5: 13
Technique Work
7 x 1 Cleans
225#, 245, 255, 265, 275, 275, 275
5 Rounds
1 Minute SkiErg
1 Minute MAX EFFORT Clean and jerks @135# (NO PACING!!)
Rest 2 minutes
SCORE= Clean and Jerk Reps each Round
Rnd 1: 17 Clean and Jerks
Rnd 2: 15
Rnd 3: 15
Rnd 4: 12
Rnd 5: 13
Technique Work
7 x 1 Cleans
225#, 245, 255, 265, 275, 275, 275
10/9/13 Daily Training Log
Tabata Deadlifts + Shoulder to Overhead (push press)
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest until 8 Minutes is complete.
Alternate between Deadlifts and Shoulder to Overhead
Deadlifts @185#
Push press @95#
REST 5-10 Minutes
Then Tabata Air Squats + Push ups
*same format as above.
Tabata Deadlifts + Shoulder to Overhead (push press)
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest until 8 Minutes is complete.
Alternate between Deadlifts and Shoulder to Overhead
Deadlifts @185#
Push press @95#
REST 5-10 Minutes
Then Tabata Air Squats + Push ups
*same format as above.
10/8/13 Training Log
WORKLOAD "Stevens Bday WOD"
3 Rounds for time:
8 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Hang Cleans @185#
400m Run
*results = 9:56
rest 10 minutes
6 x 200m sprints with 1 Minute rest between each 200.
*score = average split = 31.5 seconds.
Monday, October 7, 2013
MoSquat Monday
5x3 Front Squat
Built up to 335
15 Min EMOM
Min 1- 7 Back squats @275
Min 2- 14 GHDs
Min 3- 7 x 30" box jumps
Cycle thru until 15 min are up
5x3 Front Squat
Built up to 335
15 Min EMOM
Min 1- 7 Back squats @275
Min 2- 14 GHDs
Min 3- 7 x 30" box jumps
Cycle thru until 15 min are up
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
10/2/13: Intervals are best
20 Minute EMOM
Alternate between the following 2 movements / reps each minute until 20 minutes is over.
Minute 1: Row 20 calories (or stop at 50 second mark if you cannot reach the goal so you can transition into the next movement)
Minute 2: 10 Burpees with a lateral hop over a barbell with plates on it.
Minute 3: Row 20 cal
Minute 4: 10 burpees with lateral hop over the barbell
*continue trend until time is up
**goal is to get the prescribed reps/calories each time, or get as close as possible.
10 Rounds of 2 minute intervals:
100m run
5 Hang Cleans (205#)
Max effort Double unders for the remaining time
-Rest 30 seconds between each interval
20 Minute EMOM
Alternate between the following 2 movements / reps each minute until 20 minutes is over.
Minute 1: Row 20 calories (or stop at 50 second mark if you cannot reach the goal so you can transition into the next movement)
Minute 2: 10 Burpees with a lateral hop over a barbell with plates on it.
Minute 3: Row 20 cal
Minute 4: 10 burpees with lateral hop over the barbell
*continue trend until time is up
**goal is to get the prescribed reps/calories each time, or get as close as possible.
10 Rounds of 2 minute intervals:
100m run
5 Hang Cleans (205#)
Max effort Double unders for the remaining time
-Rest 30 seconds between each interval
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
10/1/13: WORKLOAD
1 Minute row
1 Minute SkiErg
-1 Min rest-
1 Minute Airdyne
1 Minute row
-1 min rest-
1 minute SkiErg
1 Minute Airdyne
-1 Minute rest-
* Continue the Pattern until 30 Minutes read on the clock.
5 Rounds
10 Bench Press @200#
25 Pull-ups
*rest 2-3 minutes between each round
** try and go unbroken as much as possible and try not to slow down in the later rounds.
1 Minute row
1 Minute SkiErg
-1 Min rest-
1 Minute Airdyne
1 Minute row
-1 min rest-
1 minute SkiErg
1 Minute Airdyne
-1 Minute rest-
* Continue the Pattern until 30 Minutes read on the clock.
5 Rounds
10 Bench Press @200#
25 Pull-ups
*rest 2-3 minutes between each round
** try and go unbroken as much as possible and try not to slow down in the later rounds.
9/30/13: MoSquat Monday
5x5 Front Squat
started with 275 on the first set and built up to 335 on the last set
5x1 High bar back squat
first set at 345 then built up to 385
7 Rounds
12 Back squats @95#
10 Shoulder to overhead
*10 GHD Penalty for every time the bar hits the ground.
rest 5 minutes
7 Rounds
12 Alternating lunges (in place) with 95# barbell on back
10 Ring dips
5x5 Front Squat
started with 275 on the first set and built up to 335 on the last set
5x1 High bar back squat
first set at 345 then built up to 385
7 Rounds
12 Back squats @95#
10 Shoulder to overhead
*10 GHD Penalty for every time the bar hits the ground.
rest 5 minutes
7 Rounds
12 Alternating lunges (in place) with 95# barbell on back
10 Ring dips
9/29/13: rest day
20 Minute Power Clean EMOM
Minutes 0-4: 5 Touch and go power cleans @225#
Minutes 5-15: 2 Touch and go PC's @245-265 add weight after a few sets)
Minutes 16-19: 1 Power clean every seconds @ 275#
Row 1 minute/rest 1 minute x 5 rounds
20 Minute Power Clean EMOM
Minutes 0-4: 5 Touch and go power cleans @225#
Minutes 5-15: 2 Touch and go PC's @245-265 add weight after a few sets)
Minutes 16-19: 1 Power clean every seconds @ 275#
Row 1 minute/rest 1 minute x 5 rounds
build to a 3 rep max touch and go cluster
4 Minute AMRAP of:
4 Hand Release burpees
6 Pull-ups
build to a 3 rep max touch and go cluster
4 Minute AMRAP of:
4 Hand Release burpees
6 Pull-ups
Sunday, September 29, 2013
9/27/13: Coach Mikes Bday WOD
Coach Mikes Bday WOD
For time:
25 burpees
1 rope climb
90 wall balls
25 burpees
1 rope climb
27 toes to bar
25 burpees
1 rope climb
88 kb swings (50#)
13 rope climbs
*for every break on wallballs and kb swings you must perform 8 box jump overs (alternating between 24" box and 30" box)
Coach Mikes Bday WOD
For time:
25 burpees
1 rope climb
90 wall balls
25 burpees
1 rope climb
27 toes to bar
25 burpees
1 rope climb
88 kb swings (50#)
13 rope climbs
*for every break on wallballs and kb swings you must perform 8 box jump overs (alternating between 24" box and 30" box)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
9/24/13: Torque Tuesday Training
6 x 500m Ski Erg with 2 Minutes rest between each set
6x3 Hang Power Cleans
For time:
21 KettleBell Swings (1.5 pood)
9 Bar Muscle Ups
21 Box Jumps
15 Kettlebell swings
7 bar muscle ups
15 box jumps
9 Kettle bell swings
5 Bar muscle ups
9 Box Jumps
Result- 4:59
6 x 500m Ski Erg with 2 Minutes rest between each set
6x3 Hang Power Cleans
For time:
21 KettleBell Swings (1.5 pood)
9 Bar Muscle Ups
21 Box Jumps
15 Kettlebell swings
7 bar muscle ups
15 box jumps
9 Kettle bell swings
5 Bar muscle ups
9 Box Jumps
Result- 4:59
9/23/13: MoSquat Monday
10x3 high bar back squats
my weights used
275, 295, 315, 325, 345, 365, 365, 365, 365, 365
the video explains it all
10x3 high bar back squats
my weights used
275, 295, 315, 325, 345, 365, 365, 365, 365, 365
the video explains it all
9/21/13: Training Log
12 x 1 Split Jerks
Thrusters (95#) /Pull-ups
Result- 2:24
12 x 1 Split Jerks
Thrusters (95#) /Pull-ups
Result- 2:24
Friday, September 20, 2013
9/19/13: thursdays training vlog
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform:
20 double unders
1 clean and jerk @245#
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform:
20 double unders
1 clean and jerk @245#
9/18/13: training vlog
10 rounds:
5 russian kettlebell swings (115# kettle bell)
20 seconds max effort air dyne
10 rounds:
5 russian kettlebell swings (115# kettle bell)
20 seconds max effort air dyne
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
9/17/13: Training Vlog for Tuesday
AM Active Recovery
10 Minutes of 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest on the rower @100% INTENSITY.
PM Strength
10 x 1 Power Snatch
(built up to 215#)
PM Workload
12 Minute AMRAP:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Hand Stand Push-ups
8 Kettle bell Swings (70#)
(score = 11 rounds)
Rest 20-30 Minutes
PM Workload 2
Every Minute for 12 Minutes do:
5 Strict Press (115#)
5 Strict Pull-ups
*rest = remaining time of each minute.
10 Minutes of 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest on the rower @100% INTENSITY.
PM Strength
10 x 1 Power Snatch
(built up to 215#)
PM Workload
12 Minute AMRAP:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Hand Stand Push-ups
8 Kettle bell Swings (70#)
(score = 11 rounds)
Rest 20-30 Minutes
PM Workload 2
Every Minute for 12 Minutes do:
5 Strict Press (115#)
5 Strict Pull-ups
*rest = remaining time of each minute.
Monday, September 16, 2013
9/16/13: MOSQUAT MONDAY / Competition Recovery pt 2
5x5 Back squat (high bar-and squat as deep as possible)
15 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 8 Front rack lunges with 185#
Min 2: 8 weighted ring dips (50# kettle)
Min 3: 8 strict toes to bar
*cycle thru these movements until 15 minutes are up
Rest 15 min
Same as yesterday
5x5 Back squat (high bar-and squat as deep as possible)
15 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 8 Front rack lunges with 185#
Min 2: 8 weighted ring dips (50# kettle)
Min 3: 8 strict toes to bar
*cycle thru these movements until 15 minutes are up
Rest 15 min
Same as yesterday
9/15/13: The Day After Competition Recovery WOD
Tabata This
8 Rounds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each of the following movements
1. Alternating Jump Step Ups (sim. to a box step up but with an explosive jump and alternate steps in mid air)
2. Push-ups
3. anchored sit-ups (feet anchored under 2 dumbells)
*complete 8 rounds of #1 before moving to push-ups.
Tabata This
8 Rounds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest of each of the following movements
1. Alternating Jump Step Ups (sim. to a box step up but with an explosive jump and alternate steps in mid air)
2. Push-ups
3. anchored sit-ups (feet anchored under 2 dumbells)
*complete 8 rounds of #1 before moving to push-ups.
Monday, September 9, 2013
7x2 Front Squat
Partner Workout
100 Front Squats (135#)
50 Chest to bar pull ups
50 alternating box jumps (30") - cannot do another box jump until your partner matches each rep.
7x2 Front Squat
Partner Workout
100 Front Squats (135#)
50 Chest to bar pull ups
50 alternating box jumps (30") - cannot do another box jump until your partner matches each rep.
1 Hr paddle boarding
20 Minute interval session
Cycle through the following exercises with 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest until 20 minutes are up.
1. Air Dyne
2. Ski Erg
3. Burpees
4. Double unders
Keep each interval near maximal effort.
1 Hr paddle boarding
20 Minute interval session
Cycle through the following exercises with 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest until 20 minutes are up.
1. Air Dyne
2. Ski Erg
3. Burpees
4. Double unders
Keep each interval near maximal effort.
10x1 Hang Clean + Jerk
5 Rounds
200m Ski Erg
5 Cleans (135)
7 Shoulder to overhead (135)
9 back squats (135)
10 burpees
rest 2 minutes between rounds
*maximum intensity
10x1 Hang Clean + Jerk
5 Rounds
200m Ski Erg
5 Cleans (135)
7 Shoulder to overhead (135)
9 back squats (135)
10 burpees
rest 2 minutes between rounds
*maximum intensity
Saturday, September 7, 2013
9/4/13: Diane + More
Deadlifts (225#) and Handstand push-ups (double the reps if doing regular push-ups)
REST 10 Minutes then:
DeadLifts (225#) and Burpees
Deadlifts (225#) and Handstand push-ups (double the reps if doing regular push-ups)
REST 10 Minutes then:
DeadLifts (225#) and Burpees
Friday, September 6, 2013
9/6/13: Biking
20 minutes of Biking steep uphill, max effort, no pacing.
(Canyon Crest Hill)
20 minutes of Biking steep uphill, max effort, no pacing.
(Canyon Crest Hill)
9/5/13: EMOM
15 Minute Interval Session
Every Minute cycle and perform thru the following movements until 15 minutes is complete.
Minute 1: 15 Push Press @115#
Minute 2: 35 Double Unders
Minute 3: 5 Muscle ups (or 10 pull-ups + 10 Push-ups)
Minute 4: 15 Push Press @115#
Minute 5: 35 Double unders
etc...continue the trend until 15 minutes are up
15 Minute Interval Session
Every Minute cycle and perform thru the following movements until 15 minutes is complete.
Minute 1: 15 Push Press @115#
Minute 2: 35 Double Unders
Minute 3: 5 Muscle ups (or 10 pull-ups + 10 Push-ups)
Minute 4: 15 Push Press @115#
Minute 5: 35 Double unders
etc...continue the trend until 15 minutes are up
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
9/3/13: Modified Cindy
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Clean and Jerk @225#
5 Pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Clean and Jerk @225#
5 Pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Monday, September 2, 2013
9/2/13: SQUAT TEST
"Squat Test"
500m Row
rest 1 minute
10 back squats @40% of 1RM (175#)
rest 2 minutes
10 back squats @50% of 1RM (215#)
rest 2 minutes
8 back squats @60% of 1RM (255#)
rest 2 minutes
MAX EFFORT back squats @80% of 1RM (340#) until Failure (do not stand longer than 5 seconds between reps)
my Score = 15 reps @ 340#
Rest 15-30 minutes
In teams of 2 complete the following chipper
50 thrusters @135#
100 KB swings (2 pood)
150 ring dips
*The person resting on the thrusters while the other partner is doing them must hold the kettle belloff the ground.
**once you get to the KB Swings the other person must hold the barbell off of the ground while the person is swinging the KB or else the reps don't count.
***must keep the barbell off the ground during the whole time of ring dips as well.
Time: 14:41
"Squat Test"
500m Row
rest 1 minute
10 back squats @40% of 1RM (175#)
rest 2 minutes
10 back squats @50% of 1RM (215#)
rest 2 minutes
8 back squats @60% of 1RM (255#)
rest 2 minutes
MAX EFFORT back squats @80% of 1RM (340#) until Failure (do not stand longer than 5 seconds between reps)
my Score = 15 reps @ 340#
Rest 15-30 minutes
In teams of 2 complete the following chipper
50 thrusters @135#
100 KB swings (2 pood)
150 ring dips
*The person resting on the thrusters while the other partner is doing them must hold the kettle belloff the ground.
**once you get to the KB Swings the other person must hold the barbell off of the ground while the person is swinging the KB or else the reps don't count.
***must keep the barbell off the ground during the whole time of ring dips as well.
Time: 14:41
Sunday, September 1, 2013
8/30/13: FU Fridays Continues
10 rounds:
200m run
5 burpees
7 toes to bar
9 Wallballs
10 rounds:
200m run
5 burpees
7 toes to bar
9 Wallballs
Thursday, August 29, 2013
8/29/13: Overhead Sqats
10 x 1 Overhead Squats
*started low and built up to 245. Not a max but a moderately heavy weight.
7 Rounds:
7 Overhead Squats
7 Pull-ups
10 x 1 Overhead Squats
*started low and built up to 245. Not a max but a moderately heavy weight.
7 Rounds:
7 Overhead Squats
7 Pull-ups
8/28/13: "Mcghee" Hero WOD
5 x 8 Bench Press @225#
30 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts @275#
13 Push-ups
9 box jumps
5 x 8 Bench Press @225#
30 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts @275#
13 Push-ups
9 box jumps
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
8/27/13: Burners
8 x 500m of alternating between the rower and skiErg. Or stay on the same device throughout all 8 rounds.
Rest 2 Minutes between each interval. Set a pace that you will have a hard time maintaining for all 8 intervals. I set a goal to keep all under 1:45 for the row and all under 1:55 for the SkiErg.
Rest 15 Minutes
For Time:
5 Clean and Jerks (185)
5 Muscle ups
50 Double unders
4 Clean and Jerks
4 Muscle ups
40 double unders
3 clean and jerks
3 muscle ups
30 double unders
2 clean and jerks
2 muscle ups
20 double unders
1 clean and jerk
1 muscle up
10 double unders
For time:
For time:
21 Hand Stand Push-ups
21 Hang Cleans (135)
200m run
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Hang Cleans
200m run
9 Hand Stand push-ups
9 Hang Cleans
200m run
8/26/13: MoSquat Monday
500m Row
Rest 1 Minute
10 Back Squats @40% of 1 Rep Max (1RM)
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @50% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @60% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
Max Effort Back Squats @80% of 1RM
My Numbers were based of a 425 Back Squat
I used 175, 215, 255, and 340#s
I ended up getting 10 reps at the end. I will be hitting this again in 1-2 weeks and plan on getting 12+ reps on the last set.
7 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
9 Back squats (155#)
7 Pull-ups
5 Shoulder to overhead with the same weight.
*goal is to have a challenging weight to where you can do 5 unbroken shoulder to overheads then drop the bar straight on your back so that you go straight into the next rounds back squats without resting.
I ended up getting just under 7 rounds and decided to finish the 7th round even after the time was up.
500m Row
Rest 1 Minute
10 Back Squats @40% of 1 Rep Max (1RM)
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @50% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
10 Back Squats @60% of 1RM
Rest 2 Minutes
Max Effort Back Squats @80% of 1RM
My Numbers were based of a 425 Back Squat
I used 175, 215, 255, and 340#s
I ended up getting 10 reps at the end. I will be hitting this again in 1-2 weeks and plan on getting 12+ reps on the last set.
7 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
9 Back squats (155#)
7 Pull-ups
5 Shoulder to overhead with the same weight.
*goal is to have a challenging weight to where you can do 5 unbroken shoulder to overheads then drop the bar straight on your back so that you go straight into the next rounds back squats without resting.
I ended up getting just under 7 rounds and decided to finish the 7th round even after the time was up.
Monday, August 26, 2013
8/25/13: Clean Sunday
Build up to a heavy single clean
*I built up to 315#, which is the heaviest i've gone without using Olympic lifting shoes. I guess you can call that a PR. I started at 135# and added 10-20# each set until I reached 315#.
Rest 5 Minutes
Then 1 Power Clean + 1 Full clean Every Minute (touch and go) for 12 Minutes @265#
Rest 10-15 Minutes
10 x 200m Rowing Sprints with 45 seconds rest between each interval.
*pace should be your first 200m of your 1000m pace, or faster.
8/23/13: 30 Minute Interval
10 x 1 Snatch
10 x 1 Pause Overhead squats @155
*Pause for 10 seconds at the bottom
Every minute cycle thru the following movements for the entire 30 minutes.
The only rest you get is the time remaining of each minute after the prescribed work is complete.
1. 10 burpee box overs (20" box)
2. 10 Overhead squats (95#)
3. 100m Sprint
Rest 15 minutes
Then another 30 minute interval session as described above except new movements
1. 30 Seconds max effort air dyne
2. 10 Pull-ups (minimal kip)
3. 50 double unders
10 x 1 Snatch
10 x 1 Pause Overhead squats @155
*Pause for 10 seconds at the bottom
Every minute cycle thru the following movements for the entire 30 minutes.
The only rest you get is the time remaining of each minute after the prescribed work is complete.
1. 10 burpee box overs (20" box)
2. 10 Overhead squats (95#)
3. 100m Sprint
Rest 15 minutes
Then another 30 minute interval session as described above except new movements
1. 30 Seconds max effort air dyne
2. 10 Pull-ups (minimal kip)
3. 50 double unders
Friday, August 23, 2013
8/22/13: Push Presses, Gymnastics, Kettle Bells, Rowing
Interval work/Workload
20 Minute Interval Work
Minute 1: 10 Push Presses @155#
Minute 2: 10 Toes to bar
Minute 3: 10 Push Presses @155
Minute 4: 10 Toes to bar
*Keep up with the trend until 20 minutes are up.
**rest = remaining time of each minute.
***add an extra round for each time you break up into a smaller set(s).
Rest 15-30 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m row (1st 500m should be pretty close to 1,000m pace)
20 Kettle bell snatches with 50# kettle (or dumbell, going just below the knees every time)
10 Burpee Pull-ups (perform a burpee, then jump up to a pull-up bar and do a pull-up)
20 Minute Interval Work
Minute 1: 10 Push Presses @155#
Minute 2: 10 Toes to bar
Minute 3: 10 Push Presses @155
Minute 4: 10 Toes to bar
*Keep up with the trend until 20 minutes are up.
**rest = remaining time of each minute.
***add an extra round for each time you break up into a smaller set(s).
Rest 15-30 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m row (1st 500m should be pretty close to 1,000m pace)
20 Kettle bell snatches with 50# kettle (or dumbell, going just below the knees every time)
10 Burpee Pull-ups (perform a burpee, then jump up to a pull-up bar and do a pull-up)
8/21/13: Running
Row Warm-up
30 seconds on/30 seconds off of rowing for 10 minutes @1,000m pace.
7x3 Thrusters
I built up to 245# straight from the ground/unbroken. (NEW PR)
5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 minutes
5 x 30 Seconds max effort Air dyne straight into 8 walking lunges with 100# dumbbells in each hand.
*30 Anchored situps between each round
**rest as needed between each round
30 seconds on/30 seconds off of rowing for 10 minutes @1,000m pace.
7x3 Thrusters
I built up to 245# straight from the ground/unbroken. (NEW PR)
5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 minutes
5 x 30 Seconds max effort Air dyne straight into 8 walking lunges with 100# dumbbells in each hand.
*30 Anchored situps between each round
**rest as needed between each round
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
8/20/13: "The Man Test"
Power Snatch EMOM (Perform the following reps every minute on the minute for the given time)
Minutes 0-3: 5 Touch and Go Power Snatch @145#
Minutes 4-7: 3 Touch and go power snatch @165#
Minutes 8-11: 1 Power snatch @205#
Minute 12-14: 5 touch and go power snatch @145#
Rest 5-10 minutes
Clean + Jerk EMOM
Minutes 0-3: 5 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk @185#
Minutes 4-7: 2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk @225#
Minutes 8-11: 1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk@255#
Minutes 12-14: 5 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk@185#
*on minute 14 do 5 Clean and Jerks to finish off
Rest 10 Minutes
3x10 Touch and Go Deadlifts @315#
Rest 2 Minutes between each round
*goal is to get all 10 without dripping the bar (adjust your weight to where 10 reps is possible but still a struggle)
5 Rounds:
200m Sprint (90% max speed)
5 Muscle Ups (or 10 pull-ups + 10 Pushups as a substitution)
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Give this a try. Set the reader on the Erg to Watts and try to get the highest reading possible. This is a good test of power and strength. If you do not have a SkiErg, then a Concept2 Rower can work as well (just note that it is much harder to reach this watt rating on a Rower)
Monday, August 19, 2013
8/19/13: MoSquat Monday pt. 1029834...
AM Strength
5x2 Back Squats (start at a relatively heavy weight and then try try to add weight for every set)
(I built up to a 375 x 2. still feeling yesterdays hike, normally I would go heavier)
Complete the following as FAST AS POSSIBLE with little or no rest between rounds/reps:
21 Bench Presses (135#)
21 Pull-ups
21 GHDs (or 42 sit-ups if no GHD rack)
18 Bench Presses
18 Pull-ups
18 GHDs (or 36 sit-ups)
15 Bench Presses
15 Pull-ups
15 GHDs (or 30 sit-ups)
12 Bench presses
12 Pull-ups
12 GHDs (or 24 sit-ups)
9 Bench presses
9 Pull-ups
9 GHDs (or 18 sit-ups)
6 Bench presses
6 pull-ups
6 GHDs (or 12 pull-ups)
3 Bench Presses
3 Pull-ups
3 GHDs (or 6 Sit-ups)
4 Rounds:
1 Minute air squats
1 minute renegade rows (with 2 x 45# dumbells)
1 minute box jumps (20" box)
1 minute shuttle run 10 meters (set 2 cones 10 meters appart and run back and forth side to side touching each cone)
Rest 1 minute after each round
*count your total reps
(Running 10m = 1 point, 1 squat = 1 rep, 1 box jump = 1 rep, 1 arm row = 1 rep)
(I got 495 total reps)
5x2 Back Squats (start at a relatively heavy weight and then try try to add weight for every set)
(I built up to a 375 x 2. still feeling yesterdays hike, normally I would go heavier)
Complete the following as FAST AS POSSIBLE with little or no rest between rounds/reps:
21 Bench Presses (135#)
21 Pull-ups
21 GHDs (or 42 sit-ups if no GHD rack)
18 Bench Presses
18 Pull-ups
18 GHDs (or 36 sit-ups)
15 Bench Presses
15 Pull-ups
15 GHDs (or 30 sit-ups)
12 Bench presses
12 Pull-ups
12 GHDs (or 24 sit-ups)
9 Bench presses
9 Pull-ups
9 GHDs (or 18 sit-ups)
6 Bench presses
6 pull-ups
6 GHDs (or 12 pull-ups)
3 Bench Presses
3 Pull-ups
3 GHDs (or 6 Sit-ups)
4 Rounds:
1 Minute air squats
1 minute renegade rows (with 2 x 45# dumbells)
1 minute box jumps (20" box)
1 minute shuttle run 10 meters (set 2 cones 10 meters appart and run back and forth side to side touching each cone)
Rest 1 minute after each round
*count your total reps
(Running 10m = 1 point, 1 squat = 1 rep, 1 box jump = 1 rep, 1 arm row = 1 rep)
(I got 495 total reps)
8/17/13: More WorkLoad
Partner WorkLoad
Complete 2 rounds of:
2 muscle ups (or 2 pull-ups + 2 Push ups for each muscle up)
4 deficit handstand push-ups (or 12 hand release push ups)
8 kettlebell swings (88#)
*once you complete 2 rounds then rest while your partner completes 2 rounds.
**do this until each partner completes 5 rounds of the work stated above (which will be 10 rounds total each).
7x3 Front Squat as heavy as possible
500m ski (or row if you dont have a ski-erg)
21 Front squats (155#)
500m ski (or row)
15 Front Squats
500m ski (or row)
9 Front squats
Complete 2 rounds of:
2 muscle ups (or 2 pull-ups + 2 Push ups for each muscle up)
4 deficit handstand push-ups (or 12 hand release push ups)
8 kettlebell swings (88#)
*once you complete 2 rounds then rest while your partner completes 2 rounds.
**do this until each partner completes 5 rounds of the work stated above (which will be 10 rounds total each).
7x3 Front Squat as heavy as possible
500m ski (or row if you dont have a ski-erg)
21 Front squats (155#)
500m ski (or row)
15 Front Squats
500m ski (or row)
9 Front squats
Friday, August 16, 2013
8/16/13: Friday WorkLoad
1 full snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 OH squat
Here are the weights I used.
1 x 65#, 2 x 95, 2 x 115, 2 x 135, 3 x 145, 3 155, 2 x 165, 3 x 175, 5 x 185, 2 x 155
Just did a bunch of sets so I can work on mobility and muscle memory.
5 Rounds
250m ski erg @100% intensity, NO PACING
3 Snatches @155
7 Chest to bar Pull-ups
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Muscle Ups Every minute for 15 Minutes.
1 full snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 OH squat
Here are the weights I used.
1 x 65#, 2 x 95, 2 x 115, 2 x 135, 3 x 145, 3 155, 2 x 165, 3 x 175, 5 x 185, 2 x 155
Just did a bunch of sets so I can work on mobility and muscle memory.
5 Rounds
250m ski erg @100% intensity, NO PACING
3 Snatches @155
7 Chest to bar Pull-ups
rest 1 minute between each round
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Muscle Ups Every minute for 15 Minutes.
8/15/13: Random title
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 jerk Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes @ 225#
BIKE outside for 30 minutes
30 Minute Stretching/Mobility
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 jerk Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes @ 225#
BIKE outside for 30 minutes
30 Minute Stretching/Mobility
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
8/14/13: The WORKLOAD Continues
6 x 500m Row
2 minutes rest between each interval
Kept all times as close to 1:45 as possible
Rest 15 Minutes
15 Minute EMOM
Every minute perform 3 Touch and go Deadlifts @325#
then do double unders until the halfway point thru each minute.
**for ex: if it takes you 10 seconds to do the deadlifts, then you will do dubbs for 20 seconds. Your rest will be 30 seconds.
Rest 15 minutes
Ring Dips
Hand Release Push-ups
Rest 5-10 minutes
100 strict pull-ups
Rest 15 minutes
2 Rounds:
200m ski erg at 100% intensity
10 pull-ups
rest 1 minute
6 x 500m Row
2 minutes rest between each interval
Kept all times as close to 1:45 as possible
Rest 15 Minutes
15 Minute EMOM
Every minute perform 3 Touch and go Deadlifts @325#
then do double unders until the halfway point thru each minute.
**for ex: if it takes you 10 seconds to do the deadlifts, then you will do dubbs for 20 seconds. Your rest will be 30 seconds.
Rest 15 minutes
Ring Dips
Hand Release Push-ups
Rest 5-10 minutes
100 strict pull-ups
Rest 15 minutes
2 Rounds:
200m ski erg at 100% intensity
10 pull-ups
rest 1 minute
8/13/13: WorkLoad
5 x 3 Touch and go power snatch
*i built up to 205# in about 7 sets
100 Power Cleans @185#
begin each minute with 5 chest to bar pull-ups and continue until 100 power cleans are completed.
5 Rounds:
Run 400m
10 Toes to bar
20 Ring Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
My time= 14:48 which takes account for the 4 minutes of rest in the total workout.
5 x 3 Touch and go power snatch
*i built up to 205# in about 7 sets
100 Power Cleans @185#
begin each minute with 5 chest to bar pull-ups and continue until 100 power cleans are completed.
5 Rounds:
Run 400m
10 Toes to bar
20 Ring Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
My time= 14:48 which takes account for the 4 minutes of rest in the total workout.
Monday, August 12, 2013
8/12/13: Mosquat Monday
5x2 Back Squat
AM Workload
100 Thrusters @135#
Perform 5 Burpees at the start of each Minute until you complete the 100 Thrusters
PM Workload
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Max Effort Airdyne
12 Toes to bar
15 Ring dips
*rest after each round (rest time = time it took to complete the round)
Rest 5 Min
1 Round:
250m Ski Erg
25 Toes to Bar
25 Ring dips
*no pacing
rest 10 min
18 Minutes of 30 sec on/30 sec rest Airdyne
5x2 Back Squat
AM Workload
100 Thrusters @135#
Perform 5 Burpees at the start of each Minute until you complete the 100 Thrusters
PM Workload
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Max Effort Airdyne
12 Toes to bar
15 Ring dips
*rest after each round (rest time = time it took to complete the round)
Rest 5 Min
1 Round:
250m Ski Erg
25 Toes to Bar
25 Ring dips
*no pacing
rest 10 min
18 Minutes of 30 sec on/30 sec rest Airdyne
8/11/13: Sunday Session
AM Workload
1 Minute Max Effort Muscle-ups
rest 5-15 min
7 min AMRAP:
3 Bar Muscle ups
6 Clean and Jerks @ 135#
9 Box Jumps @30"
PM Workload
6,000m Ski-Erg Straight into 1 Mile Sled pull @ walking pace with 90#.
1 Minute Max Effort Muscle-ups
rest 5-15 min
7 min AMRAP:
3 Bar Muscle ups
6 Clean and Jerks @ 135#
9 Box Jumps @30"
PM Workload
6,000m Ski-Erg Straight into 1 Mile Sled pull @ walking pace with 90#.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
8/9/13: Back in Training with Volume!
Law finals are over. Now back to training for competition.
AM Strength
12x1 Snatch
AM Workload
10 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle up (MU)
1 Overhead Squat (OHS) w/ 155#
2 Muscle Ups
2 Overhead Squats
3 MU
4 MU
4 OH Squats
...Continue on as far as you can get in 10 Minutes
PM Workload
8 Rounds:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump Squats (1 box jump fully locked out on top then perform 1 full squat while on top of the box)
13 plate jump push-ups (1 rep = 1 pushup with hands outside the plate and jumping on top of plate, then performing a full push-up while hands are on the plate...basically 2 push-ups = 1 rep.
23 double unders
PM Strength
25 Minute Power clean EMOM
Minute 0-4: 3 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @225#
Minute 5-9: 2 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @245#
Minute 10-14: 1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @285#
Minute 15-19: 2 Power Cleans Every minute @275
Minute 20-24: 3 Touch and go Power cleans @265# (275# for the last set)
PM Workload #2
3 Rounds:
250 Ski Erg
40 Yard Sled Push (400# sled)
AM Strength
12x1 Snatch
AM Workload
10 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle up (MU)
1 Overhead Squat (OHS) w/ 155#
2 Muscle Ups
2 Overhead Squats
3 MU
4 MU
4 OH Squats
...Continue on as far as you can get in 10 Minutes
PM Workload
8 Rounds:
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump Squats (1 box jump fully locked out on top then perform 1 full squat while on top of the box)
13 plate jump push-ups (1 rep = 1 pushup with hands outside the plate and jumping on top of plate, then performing a full push-up while hands are on the plate...basically 2 push-ups = 1 rep.
23 double unders
PM Strength
25 Minute Power clean EMOM
Minute 0-4: 3 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @225#
Minute 5-9: 2 Touch and go Power Cleans every minute @245#
Minute 10-14: 1 Power Clean Every 30 seconds @285#
Minute 15-19: 2 Power Cleans Every minute @275
Minute 20-24: 3 Touch and go Power cleans @265# (275# for the last set)
PM Workload #2
3 Rounds:
250 Ski Erg
40 Yard Sled Push (400# sled)
Monday, August 5, 2013
8/5/13: MoSquat Mondays
5x3 Back Squats
12 Muscle-Ups
12 Front Squats (225# from the ground-no rack)
9 Muscle-Ups
9 Front Squats
6 Muscle-Ups
6 Front Squats
Rest 10 Minutes
5 Rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 Seconds rest
straight into
4 rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds burpees / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds ski erg / 30 seconds rest
5x3 Back Squats
12 Muscle-Ups
12 Front Squats (225# from the ground-no rack)
9 Muscle-Ups
9 Front Squats
6 Muscle-Ups
6 Front Squats
Rest 10 Minutes
5 Rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 Seconds rest
straight into
4 rounds of:
30 seconds air dyne / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds burpees / 30 seconds rest
30 seconds ski erg / 30 seconds rest
8/4/13: Training
45 Minutes of SkiErg (or rowing or biking)
* every 10 minutes stop and perform 10 GHDs/10 box Jumps(30")/10 DB Snatch (70#)
This is a good recovery workout. Take a break from the high intensity/heavy lifting training at least one time a week and do something long and slow. It will definitely help with your recovery.
45 Minutes of SkiErg (or rowing or biking)
* every 10 minutes stop and perform 10 GHDs/10 box Jumps(30")/10 DB Snatch (70#)
This is a good recovery workout. Take a break from the high intensity/heavy lifting training at least one time a week and do something long and slow. It will definitely help with your recovery.
Friday, August 2, 2013
8/2/12: FU Fridays
Strength Training
500m Barbell Carry with 65#
50 Wall Ball Shots
40m Bear Crawl
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
40m Bear Crawl
20 Toes to bar
40m bear crawl
10 Hand stand push-ups
500m Run
*3 burpess every time you drop the barbell on the first run, don't go unbroken on the wallballs/toes to bar/handstand push-ups.
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m ski erg
6 touch and go power snatch @135#
work rest ratio between each round 1:1
3 Rounds
500m ski erg
10 unbroken power cleans @ 135#
Work: rest = 1:1
500m Barbell Carry with 65#
50 Wall Ball Shots
40m Bear Crawl
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
40m Bear Crawl
20 Toes to bar
40m bear crawl
10 Hand stand push-ups
500m Run
*3 burpess every time you drop the barbell on the first run, don't go unbroken on the wallballs/toes to bar/handstand push-ups.
Rest 15 Minutes
3 Rounds:
500m ski erg
6 touch and go power snatch @135#
work rest ratio between each round 1:1
3 Rounds
500m ski erg
10 unbroken power cleans @ 135#
Work: rest = 1:1
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
7/31/13: Mid Week Training Session
4 minute max effort rowing for distance
rest 1 min
4 minute max effort ski-erg for distance
rest 1 min
4 minute max distance sled push
* set markers to measure 5 meters. Push 5 meters then turn around and push it back 5 meters.
**Tally up your total distance combined with all 3 movements.
rest 1 minute
10 Rounds of 30 seconds on/30 seconds off on the airdyne.
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Dead Lifts every minute for 15 minutes with 315#
1 Deadlift every minute for 5 minutes with 395#
7/30/13: Tuesday Training Day
1 Clean + Jerk Every Minute on the Minute for 20 Minutes with 225#
1 Clean + Jerk Every Minute on the Minute for 3 Minutes with 245#
Rest 15 Minutes
15 Minute AMRAP
200M Run
10 Shoulder to overhead (135#)
10 Pull-ups
Monday, July 29, 2013
7/29/13: MoSquat Monday
The trend for most people that go to globo gyms as well as body builders is to hit "chest" on Monday's At NoX Training we like to not be like everyone else and hit squats on Monday.
15 Minute EMOM:
3 Touch and Go squat cleans every minute, on the minute, for 15 Minutes. (45 Reps Total)
205#'s on the bar
Rest 5-10 Minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
500m SkiErg
30 WallBalls (20# ball to 10' target)
30 Kettle Bell Swings (50#)
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Rounds of 250m SkiErg Sprints
1 Minute rest Between each round
15 Minute EMOM:
3 Touch and Go squat cleans every minute, on the minute, for 15 Minutes. (45 Reps Total)
205#'s on the bar
Rest 5-10 Minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
500m SkiErg
30 WallBalls (20# ball to 10' target)
30 Kettle Bell Swings (50#)
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Rounds of 250m SkiErg Sprints
1 Minute rest Between each round

I went to spectate at the CrossFit Games this past weekend and all I saw was FIT women and great athletes. There is no other event where beautiful women as in the picture are all around you. Go to a Football, Basketball, or any other mainstream sport and you will see the that most of the spectators are not healthy and/or in shape. The CrossFit games definitely has the FITTEST spectators on earth.
7/28/13: SkiErg

I was able to pick up this SkiErg at the CrossFit Games over the past weekend. I was able to test it out tonight with 5,000m. After that I did a partner workout which was 1 person skis a 2,000m distance while the other person performs an AMRAP of CINDY. Then we switched.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Day 205: Death by Clean and Jerk
Rest Day
"Death by Clean and Jerk"
With a continuously running clock, perform 1 clean and jerk the first minute, 2 on the second, 3 on the third, and continue the trend until you cannot perform the prescribed reps in the given minute.
W/O rest, immediately start death by pull-ups
Rest 10 Minutes
16 Minutes of 30 sec on/ 30 sec off Airdyne or Row
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Day 204: Amanda
15 minutes to build to a heavy 1 rep overhead squat.Rest 5 Minutes
Muscle Ups / Squat Snatch @135#
Rest 10 Minutes
15 Minute EMOM
-5 Back Squats @275#
-15 Ring Dips
-13 Toes to bar
Perform the first movement on minute 1, the second on minute 2, and the 3rd (toes to bar) on minute 3. Cycle through that for 15 minutes.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Day 202: Track
AM Session
Hurdle Drills (hurdle mobility, hurdle walkovers, over unders, skips)
1 Mile Time Trial
Strength: 30 minutes later
5x20 Bench Press5 x 12 Strict Pull-ups
PM Conditioning
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes perform the following curcuit:-30 seconds of max effort air dyne for calories
-10 sumo deadlift high pulls with 115#
-1 muscle up to 12 ring dips
*should take about 1 minute to about 1:15...then you rest the remainder of the 2 minutes
After 10 minutes then just continue to do 30 seconds on/30 seconds off until 25 minutes
-on the 25th minute perform 10 Sumo deadlift high pulls straight into 1 muscle up to 12 unbroken ring dips.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Day 200: F.U. Fridays
Last night we did a typical F.U. Friday workout to finish off the hard training week. Run thru the following work with your only break/rest being the remaining time of each minute. 10 Burpee penalty for not completing any work in the prescribed minute. The goal is to complete all 19 rounds of work in the given time.
-5 minutes: run a 400m every 2.5 minutes(start first 400 when the clock hits 0:00 and the second one at 2:30)-EMOM 5 Minutes: 20 wallballs
-EMOM 5 Mintutes: 10-9-8-7-6 Burpee Box Jumps (24" box)
-EMOM 5 Minutes: 20-18-16-14-12 Kettle bell swings (88#)
-5 Minutes: run a 400 every 2.5 min
Extra Credit
-10 Rounds: 1 minute Airdyne(or row)/ 1 Minute Rest
*max effort
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Day 198: More intervals
Intervals are one of the best conditioning methods because they allow you to maintain high intensity over a longer time span. Today's Workload was intervals of 1 minute of work, followed by 1 minute of rest.
3 rounds:
Rowing - try and row at your 1k place or faster
Air Dyne - similar to rowing pace
Burpees - max effort
Kettle bell swings (53#) - unbroken for the whole minute
Cycle thru the following movements on a 1 minute of work/1 minute rest interval until 3 rounds are completed.3 rounds:
Rowing - try and row at your 1k place or faster
Air Dyne - similar to rowing pace
Burpees - max effort
Kettle bell swings (53#) - unbroken for the whole minute

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Day 197: Do you Know your Muscle Fiber Type ?

What is your Muscle Fiber Type?
Knowing your muscle fiber type can help you determine your approach to training. Have extermely high fast twitch muscle fiber, then you must spend more time on higher rep schemes and endurance type workouts. Have extremely low fast twitch muscle fiber then you must spend more time training in the lesser rep range workouts, and workouts that last much less in duration but are more intense. Read the article for more information.
3 rounds of:
15 Hang cleans @ 135
15 Burpees
Rest 10 Minutes
18 Minute EMOM
*at the start of the clock perform #1 on the first minute, #2 the second minute, then #3 the second minute. After #3 then repeat the cycle.
**follow the pattern until 18 minutes is up. your only rest is the time remaining for each minute after the work is completed.
1. Max effort air dyne for 30 seconds (or rower)
2. 12 unbroken toes to bar
3. 12 unbroken push presses @135#
Day 196: Interval Training

Today we adopted 3 used AirDyne Bikes. These Bikes are a great addition to Training and are a staple in a strength and conditioning program. They add cardiovascular endurance and stamina stimuli and can be mixed in with any other movements in a metcon. Mix in some gymnastics, olympic weightlifting, and power lifts and you will have a totally new workout experience. I tested these out today by doing some interval work (explained below) and know that they are going to come with great results. Cant wait to put these to good use.
10 Minute EMOM
(every minute, on the minute perform the following reps, alternating between the 2 listed sets)
1. 7 Touch and Go power snatch @ 135# (or pick a weight that you can complete all reps touch and go, but is still a challenge.2. 2 Power Snatches @ 185 (or about 85% of your max power snatch)
*Every minute alternate between these 2 sets, and rest the remainder of each minute.
**the goal is to move the weight as efficiently and and fast as possible while maintaining proper form
Rest 5-10 Minutes
10 Minute EMOM
1. 7 Touch and go Clean and Jerks @ 135# (or scale down as needed in order to go unbroken)
2. 2 Power cleans + 1 Jerk @ 225# (scale as needed but should be heavy)
20 Rounds of: 30 seconds of work / 30 seconds rest on the Air-dyne
*this should not be paced. Every interval should be 100% effort. If you die out then keep attacking the next interval with 100% effort.
Rest 10 Minutes
10 Rounds of 30 secs work, 30 secs rest (same as above)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Day 180: Criteria for Competition
Some conversational topics have arisen at the box lately as we prep for our next competition; the LC Dynamic duo. One of the topics was: what criteria should you meet before you compete in a competition. As you probably figured out by now I do not read over and edit any of the material I write on the blog or internet. So please ignore any typos or grammatical errors. Also, please feel free to share your own criteria.
My Criteria for entering into a competition:
"Wou must want to WIN! That is the most important thing; no matter what is thrown out there and to still want to win.
YOu must want to win during the middle of a training session. You must want to WIN before a training session. You must want to
WIN at all times of your day, whether its night, day, or when youre dreaming. You must want to WIN everyday...There is no
OFF-Day for wanting to WIN. Without wanting to WIN there is NO COMPETITION. Once you lose that 'want' then you should not compete. If Not wanting to win or not wanting to do what is necessary to win ever enters your thought process at any point (during training/rest/etc) then you are not ready to compete, Plain and Simple. Look up the definition of "Compete" in the dictionary and tell me what you see. The definition I got was "To strive against another or others to attain a goal, such as an advantage or a victory." Until you meet the criteria ABOVE you are not ready to compete."
My Criteria for entering into a competition:
"Wou must want to WIN! That is the most important thing; no matter what is thrown out there and to still want to win.
YOu must want to win during the middle of a training session. You must want to WIN before a training session. You must want to
WIN at all times of your day, whether its night, day, or when youre dreaming. You must want to WIN everyday...There is no
OFF-Day for wanting to WIN. Without wanting to WIN there is NO COMPETITION. Once you lose that 'want' then you should not compete. If Not wanting to win or not wanting to do what is necessary to win ever enters your thought process at any point (during training/rest/etc) then you are not ready to compete, Plain and Simple. Look up the definition of "Compete" in the dictionary and tell me what you see. The definition I got was "To strive against another or others to attain a goal, such as an advantage or a victory." Until you meet the criteria ABOVE you are not ready to compete."
-build up to 3 rep max overhead squat
-snatch balance skill work-
-snatch technique work-
Team "Josh" (teams of 2)
42 oh squats @ 95#
84 pull-ups
30 oh Squats
60 pull-ups
18 oh squats
36 pull-ups
High rep pull-ups = Rips, and falling off of the pull-up bar (see video below-PLAY CLOSE ATTENTION @ 47 seconds in)
Friday, June 28, 2013
Day 179: WorkLoad Fridays
It was about 100 degrees when the pics below were taken. Some sport teams and boxes take it easy when its hot.... NoX Training Turns up the Volume! 30+ minutes of constant plyometrics, weight moving, heart racing, and sweat glands pumping. You can tell from the pictures that everyone gave everything he/she had and the WorkLoad (WL) sucked every bit of energy from them. It's not always over 100 degrees when we workout, but when it is we go long and hard. Stay Hydrated my friends!
*Be sure to click each photo before saving it from your phone so that you get the full quality version*
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