We have group price discount for Coach Mike's home match on the LA Reign on August 31st. Here is the price breakdown along with the graphic explaining where each seat is located in the stadium. Please give me the Money for the tickets and I will purchase them as a group so that we can get this discount. We need a minimum of 20 people for us to get this discount. If you do not see me then you can give the money to Coach Mike and he will give it to me. Also text me so that you can set up a time to get me the money (310-628-4546). We must buy the tickets soon so please get me the money by the 23rd. Lets spread the word and invite everyone you know that will enjoy a great sporting event. Get together with everyone and see if you want to be in the same section...if so we can make sure we are all seated in the same area.
Prices:VIP - $87
Premium - $42
Activity - $34
Concourse - $22
Bleachers - $18
LOCATION: Long Beach - Walters Pyramid. Go to this site below for more information on the event.
Here are a few pictures from today's training sesh. feel free to take them and post to social media. If you use them just be sure to tag @noxtraining and hashtag #noxtraining. Thanks.
Yesterday's Workload
4x3 Back squats @405#
20 Minute EMOM
3 pc + 3 fs + 3 pj @185#
*All 9 reps every minute on the minute until failure
3 rounds
8 unbroken box step-ups with 2x70# dumbbells - right leg
8 unbroken box step-ups with 2x70# dumbbells - left leg
8 broad jumps
20 seconds L-Sit
15 Weighted sit-ups (35# dumbbell)
Today's Workload
Snatch work: 1 snatch + 1 oh squat
HS walk practice 15 minutes
3x500m row @1:34 pace
rest 2 minutes after each interval
5 minute EMOM
10 chest to bars
rest 2 min
5 minute EMOM
12 russian swings (115# kettle bell)
rest 2 minutes
5 minute EMOM
6 kb snatch right arm + 6 kb snatch left arm - same minute
rest 2 minutes
For time:
30 wallballs
60 double unders
20 wallballs
40 double unders
10 wallballs
20 double unders