Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 80: NoXcuses

8 x 40yd sled push 

21-15-9 reps, for time
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Jenny LaBaw
I don't want to hear any excuses one may have about not working out. Jenny LaBaw, a former CrossFit Games athlete broke her leg during a bike accident just a few weeks ago and is still training. Not only is she training, she has performed all CrossFit open workouts so far and is not using her broken leg as an excuse. Jenny LaBaw live her life with NoXcuses! I hear too many people use every little excuse to not work out or attain goals. ie: I got off work late so I am not going to workout today ... because I am tired from work. Or- I am feeling out of it today so I am not going to work out, etc. All of those excuses are due to flat out laziness...especially if you have not reached your health and fitness goals yet. Watch the videos below of Jenny LaBaw performing the CrossFit Open WODs and ask yourself, would you have done these with a broken leg? Why not? Jenny Labaw performed 150 reps on 13.1 and 230 reps on 13.2. She is currently ranked 837 in the NorCal region with a broken leg!!