Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30: Registration

5x10 dumbell bench press
3x10 barbell box step ups (5 each leg)  
   2 rope climbs between each set
   20 second L-Sit hold between each set

WOD (early in the day)
20 Minute AMRAP of:
8 Overhead Lunges with 45# plate
6 Toes to bar
8 GHDs
6 Jump push-ups 

WOD #2 (At night)
9 rounds of:
7 Power Cleans (135#)
7 Box Jumps (24")
rest 1 minute after rounds 3 and 6
*Record overall time including the rest. 
**each set of 7 should be performed unbroken, so scale if you need to. 

During the AMRAP

Everyone go here now and sign up for the CrossFit Open. See my post yesterday on why you should register and participate. 

Coach Mike and Myself have participated in a CrossFit Study for a new supplement on the Market, ATP Extreme. Go here to see the results. Bottom line, the product resulted in substantial gains in strength, power, and endurance. If you are serious about your athletic goals I seriously recommend you look into the Product. I am not getting paid to say these great things about this product. I am only passing on good info and products that I have taken.