Monday, April 7, 2014


5 Rounds: 400m Run / 5 Burpee Muscle ups

15 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: 7 Front Squats @225#
Minute 2: 15 Ring Dips (1 muscle up + 15 ring dips)
Minute 3: 10 Strict Pull-ups

*Cycle through the movements until 15 minutes are complete.

-Rest 3 Minutes-

At Exactly 18:00, You start the Lunge-Lunge-Squat circuit.
For time:
1 Lunge left leg + 1 Lunge Right Leg + 1 Air Squat
2 Lunge left leg + 2 lunge right leg + 2 air squats
3 + 3 + 3
4 + 4 + 4
10 Lunges left leg + 10 lunges right leg + 10 air squats

use a 45# barbell on your back to spice it up a little bit.

NPFL + CrossFit Regionals
Congrats to Coach Mike's recent success in the CrossFit Open and performance in the National Pro Fitness League combine. Coach Mike has qualified for the CrossFit Games SoCal Regionals as well as the final Combine to be held in May and June respectively. I will upload all of the videos and post them on here sometime this week. Now that I am almost done with lawschool I will be spending more time updating this blog. I will consistently update with some of the training we are doing, videos, pictures, articles, and a blend of it all. Stay tuned. If you have any requests on topics or content please let me know: Thanks!