Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday Open Gym

14 minute EMOM
1. 14 Overhead squats (95#)
2. 14 CTB pull-ups

7 x [1 high hang snatch + snatch balance + overhead squat]
3 x [1 hang clean + 3 front squats]
3 x [1 hang clean + 2 front squats]
3 x [1 hang clean + 1 front squat]

For time
1000m row
then 3 rounds: 11 sdhp (95#) + 7 Push press

10 rounds for time
10 sdhp (75#)
10 push press (75#)

I am going to start publishing a video of training that goes down on Thursdays. Thursdays involve highly technical lifts and I think that seeing these can be a great learning tool. This first video is pretty long but I'll try to keep them around 10 minutes long in the future...I didn't want to spend any time editing it this first time around. 

Here is the chalk board from OCCF from my visit yesterday. 

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