Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-14: Couples that Train Together, Remain Together


8 Minute EMOM:
Every Minute on the minute do 5 Hang Power cleans (185#) + 5 Burpees over barbell
*rest remainder of each minute

-rest 2 minutes-

For time:
20 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70# dumbbell)
20 pull-ups
15 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70# dumbbell) 
15 pull-ups
10 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70# dumbbell)
10 pull-ups

-rest 5-10 minutes-

5 rounds dumbbell complex w/ 2x 45# dumbbells
8 Deadlifts + 8 Upright rows + 8 Hammer curls
*goal is to do the 24 reps unbroken, without letting go of the dumbbell 
16 side-ups between each round

“When a couple works out together, the actual exercise itself can physically and emotionally have a positive impact,” marriage and relationship psychotherapist Dr. Jane Greer told YouBeauty. "Both partners come away with feelings of synchronicity, cooperative spirit and shared passion. Then you throw in some spicy endorphins and it can be a real power trip for the relationship."
That time you would spend at the gym suddenly becomes "us" time, and that otherwise-boring walk you were planning to take after dinner becomes more fun with good company.
Plus, you'll share some of the added benefits of working out, like less stress, better sleep and a sharper brain, all of which can ony help you as you navigate the years together. 

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