Thursday, August 21, 2014

Post SoCal Regionals Vacation / First GRID Match

Work Hard, Train Harder, Vacation Even harder! We went to Puerto Vallarta just a few days after Coach Mike placed 7th at the CrossFit Games SoCal Regionals and I had just recently completed my last year of Law School. Here is a video of us messing around after zip lining. (Video from Coach Mike's youtube channel, please subscribe!)

Rewatch the First GRID Match taken place last Tuesday at Madison Square Garden. Please share this video to help spread the word of the NPGL. Also Please share the video above. 


5x3 Back Squat

5 rounds:
10 front squats (225# taken from the ground, no rack)
15 chest to bar pull-ups
-rest 2 minutes between rounds


5 Minute EMOM:
3 power snatch (165# touch and go) + 6 hspu the same minute

rest 5 minutes

5 Minute EMOM:
3 clean and jerks (215#) + 6 box jumps the same minute

rest 5 minutes

5 minute EMOM:
5 deadlifts (315#)

rest 5-10 minutes

2x500m row @100%


8 minute AMRAP:
buy-in with 500m run shuttle (150m out, 150m back, 100m out, 100m back
remaining time AMRAP of: 15 dubbs, 10 hr push-ups, 5 burpees

rest 2 minutes

repeat 1 more time.


6 rounds:
2 minutes hard rowing + straight into 30 seconds handstand hold
rest exactly 1:30

5 minute EMOM
2 snatches + 2 OH squats (135#)

-straight into-

5 minute EMOM
1 Snatch + 2 OH squats (155#-185#)

rest 5 minutes

10 minute EMOM
1 cluster + 2 jerks (175#-225#)

rest 5 minutes

10 Minute EMOM:
12 airs squats + 4 bar muscle ups the same minute

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