Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Training Pics + CF Open Prep

Here are some of the pics taken from todays workout. feel free to use them on social media, but just make sure to tag @rxaction , @noxtraining , #rxactionagency , #noxtraining. Thanks!

So this year season I am starting earlier with my OPEN prep. Last couple of seasons I didn't have enough time to train due to my crazy school/coaching schedule and also feel like I started too late. For now I am keeping it basic with high volume starting this week and then increase the intensity as we get closer to the open. I will building my 'base' for til the end of the year and start the intensity early next year. Here is what I did from Sunday to Today.

5 Rounds:
25 GHD Sit-ups
50yard sled push (HEAVY- 550#)
3 legless rope climbs
15 dips

3 Rounds For time:
50 Wallballs
10 clean and Jerks (135#)

Tabata ring support  (the top of a ring dip/muscle up)

Tabata ring hold at bottom

5x3 Front Squat

5x3 Push Jerk

10 Minute AMRAP:
25 yard sled push (Light- 135#)
50 yard run

3 rounds:
800m run
15 ball slams (50#)
15 box jumps

5x3 Deadlifts

"The Chief"
5 Rounds of 3 minutes work/1 minute rest after each round:
3 power cleans (135#)
6 HR Push-ups
9 air squats

5x3 split jerk

800m sled drag (135#)

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