Thursday, October 2, 2014

NPGL Season in the Books!

The inaugural NPGL Grid season is in the books. I must say that I was impressed all the way through; from the first time I heard about it on Facebook, to the first combine in Pomona, to the Vegas Combine, to each individual matches, and also the Championship match that took place last night. I cannot wait until the next season where I will be trying out at the combines. Here is a highlight clip of Coach Mike during the playoff match against the DC Brawlers...Enjoy and please share the video on Facebook. Thanks. 

5 Rounds:
12 push press (95#)
20 back squats (95#)
*goal is to try and complete 5 rounds without letting the bar hit the ground

Tabata ring support (+top position of the muscle up/ring dip position)
20sec on/10 sec rest for 4 minutes
-1 minute rest
Tabata ring support (+bottom position of the muscle up/ring dip position)
20sec on/10 sec rest for 4 minutes

5x3 Overhead squat

5x3 strict pull-ups with 10 second pause at the bottom (full extension)

10 wall climbs for time

Snatches (95#-full)

3 rounds:
10 good mornings (95#)
10 toes to bar

Tabata L-Sit for 4 minutes

200yard farmers carry (2x90# dumbbells)

10 muscle ups (work on technique)

5 rope climbs for technique

100 double unders

5x3 Back Squats

5x3 strict overhead press

800m Sled Drag (135#)

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