Monday, October 13, 2014

Epidemic of "Diabesity" + Training Log/Pics

'Unhealthy lifestyles have brought on a social epidemic of "diabesity," says author Mark Hyman, and community-driven solutions may be the only way out'. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO re Lifestyle caused diseases/health problems. 

I fell off from blogging this past week. I will try to keep on track the best I can for a while. Here are some pictures from today's night time training crew...and below that is my training log since last monday. 

Last Monday
3 rounds:
400m run
20 back squats (135#)

-rest a few minutes but not more than 10.

200m Farmer carry w/ 2x90# dumbbells

-rest a few minutes but not more than 5

100 double unders

-rest a few minutes but not more than 5

5 rope climbs for time

-rest a few minutes

10 Rounds of Every 90 seconds perform
1 power clean + 1 clean

- rest a few minutes

5 rounds of 4 back squats every 90 seconds @315#

-rest a few minutes

800m sled drag w/ 135#

Last Tuesday
For Time:
1000m Row
then 3 rounds of:
21 box jumps
15 pull-ups
9 burpees

Every 90 Seconds for 10 sets:
1 power snatch + 1 snatch @185#

10 minute AMRAP:
25m sled sprint (135#)
50m run

Last Wednesday
10 minute AMRAP:
7 push-ups
7 toes to bar
7 burpees
7 push press (95#)

For time:
100m row
10 Power cleans 135#
200m row
8 power cleans 185#
300m row
6 power cleans 205#
400m row
4 power cleans 225#
500m row

Death by 225# backsquats

800m sled drag for time (135#)

Last Thursday
7 Rounds for time:
20 kb swings
10 ring dips

10 wall climbs

10 minute AMRAP
25m sled push
50m run

Last Friday
with a continuous running clock

0:00-5:00 Sprint 800m
5:00-20:00 EMOM
  1. 15 wallballs
  2. 15 slam balls (50#) 
  3. 15 box jumps
  4. 15 overhead walking lunges (45# plate) 
  5. 15 burpees
20:00-30:00 10 Minute AMRAP
15 kb swings (70#) 
10 HR push-ups
5 burpees

100m plate run (45#) 

Last Saturday
"The Seven”
7 Rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (135#) 
7 knees to elbows
7 deadlifts
7 burpees
7 swings
7 pull-ups

Sunday (yesterday)
Tabata: 4 minutes at each movement, 1 minute rest between each movement, then move down list. 
  1. slam balls (30#) 
  2. burpees
  3. dubbs
  4. push press
  5. wallballs
1 minute rest 

30 muscle ups for time

5 dips alternating between partners for 10 minutes

3 strict pull-ups alternating between partners for 10 minutes

Today's Training
For time:
500m row
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

For time:
100 air squats
20 pull-ups

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